Monday, April 25, 2011

Blog Prompt #26

Brainstorms! (In an effort to expand, improve, add complexity, and push your final projects further, please pick 10 of the following to discuss.)
  1. Ideas sometimes grow out of irritation. What is a negative thought you are having about your project? What is the opposite of this negative thought? How could you implement a change in your project so that this negative thought will subside? One thing that keeps on recurring to me is that I am going to have to keep on rewriting and rewashing my arms and hands in order to show the progression of different days. I've been playing with the idea of using a projector, but mine isn't powerful enough to work in a room that isn't completely dark. I could rent one but since this is a project that is going to require multiple shots,  I'd have to try to do it all at once. 
  2. What is the “opposite” of your final project? How can you rework your project to include the “opposite”? If I were to do the opposite, I guess it would be a sense of being underwhelmed. Something like not having enough to do. I think it would rely more upon my facial gestures rather than the lack of writing on my hands. 
  3. What is a consistent theme/visual element in your project? What would be the opposite of this? How can you implement that into your project? Since type and my body are constant figures, I think that to oppose it would be to draw pictures of the actions? I'm not really sure how well that would correlate. I could take pictures of my planner however, since that's where I jot everything down most of the time. I generally reserve my hands for when I have something that needs to be done right away.
  4. Type twenty words or phrases that relate to your project. stress, school, schedule, over booking, overwhelmed, depressing, tiring, never ending, busy, struggling, pressure, in need of help, EIGHT MORE
  5. At the deepest core, describe why you like this project. Dig deep! I am really struggling to put myself into my work, so I like this project since it is so personal to me. I have always had a lot of independence kind of thrown on me, but lately it has become almost overwhelming. My family has been going through a very difficult time, so I have been struggling with trying to maintain my presence at home all the while keep up with my school work, social life, jobs, and even just living on my own out of the dorms for the first time. I have to maintain all of these lists of tasks to do because I can't ask my parents to help me, since they are wrapped up in their own problems and probably need to me to help them out more. I have all of this pressure to succeed with school and still be supportive for my family, so it is proving tough for me to keep up with everything. 
  6. Expand your project. If time, money, materials, etc would not affect you, how would you expand your project? If I had more resources, I would probably expand this to other people. I think it would be interesting to see some of what others go through on a daily basis and that everyone has their own problems and endless to do lists. Or even that some people are just more successful at keeping a simpler kind of lifestyle, which is something I am trying to go for. 
  7. Contract your project. What would it boil down to if squeezed and contracted to its simplest form?
  8. Look at one of your images. Redesign it entirely. Project hands on lists! 
  9. Divide your project into three components. Rearrange and reassemble them in your mind.
  10. List your assumptions about your project. Reverse these. I assume that my project will be kind of sad, and if I were to change that I guess I would need to put more humorous things on the list to keep it lighter. All of the stuff that I put on is pretty straight forward, but out of context it can be kind of funny, so if I emphasis that a bit more it might make the project a big lighter.
  11. What would your project look like 100 years ago? What would your project look like 100 years in the future?
  12. Remove something from your project. How does it change?
  13. Persuade the reader that your project works well and is the most amazing project you have ever completed.
  14. Persuade the reader that your project stinks. Then, persuade the reader that you will make changes so that it no longer stinks.
  15. Think of one of your most memorable dreams. How could you add elements from this dreams to your project? As far as dreams go, I generally wish for a simpler life. Something where I don't have so many material objects and where I am free from many of my mundane responsibilities. If I where to incorporate this into my project, I would make lists of things that I want to do instead of what I have to do and I could show myself happier. I could even play with a long shutter speed so that it has an airy feel.
  16. How would you convert your project into a narrative? How would you remove any narrative from your project?
  17. How would you connect your images physically and conceptually? How would you make them disconnected physically and conceptually?
  18. What would happen if you demolished your project and reconstructed it physically or conceptually?
  19. Name an artist/photographer/designer/videographer who would love your project. Why?
  20. Name an artist/photographer/designer/videographer who would hate your project. Why? Probably anyone, since it is probably going to come off as whiny. I am fortunate enough to be in a university so I shouldn't really be complaining since my problems are mostly self inflicted and could be much worse. Its normal to be overwhelmed by growing up and taking more responsibility for your own life. Its just all a new experience for me and it is a lot more than what I had bargained for. 
  21. How would you make your project more edgy, saccharine, provocative, empty, revealing, concealing, funny, sad, mysterious, blunt, honest, disingenuous, fast, slow, playful, austere, hateful, lovable, bold, subtle, long, short, big, small, connected, disconnected? I guess that would come from the chosen environment. I could go with a simple backdrop, but if I play more with what the background means it could relay better onto the concept.

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