Sunday, April 10, 2011

Blog Prompt #25

You as Curator
Look through the list of recent entrants to this call for photography.
Pretend you are curating a show and choose 7 photographers to include in your show. Describe why you would pick those particular artists and what about their work stands out to you.

Albert C. Karges
I liked how his images related to each other. The emphasis on the horizon line was very interesting, and I liked how he had the landscapes turn into almost solid rectangles. 

Patrick James Michel
His work was very enchanting. It has the allure of a modern day woman captured in the style of the old painting masters. I am drawn to the interesting style and compositions.

Naomi Elena
Although she only had one submission, I really felt a connection to the solitary photo. It conveys a lot of sadness, with what I picked up as themes of loneliness, self image, and emptiness. It is quite moving.

Alyssa Miserendino
Many of the photos were of nature interacting with man made structures. It is very interesting to think about how we try our best to control and keep out nature, but it is inevitable that nature will win.

Oksana Mansour
I liked the playful nature of these photos. They seemed to tell a story, and the sets that surround them are very involved and lovely. 

Charles Latham
I love how beautiful and eery the sky is captured in his photograph. It has a very serene feel, and it is calming to look at. Although I necessarily would not want to be in that location (since I am a big chicken and would be on my wits end) I can definitely appreciate it.
Linda K. Robinson
I really enjoyed how her photos made me look again at everyday objects. I like the use of linear cues and the lighting is serene. Its a lovely look at something oftentimes overlooked.

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